Regulations for the provision of electronic services


I. General Provisions

1. These Regulations for the provision of electronic services of the website (hereinafter referred to as: Regulations) specify:

a. the rules of operation of the website and the User Account on the website, in particular in accordance with the provisions of art. 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344);

b. terms and conditions for the provision of electronic services by the website operator;

c. rules of using the User Account service on the website;

d. technological requirements and conditions necessary to be met for the correct operation of the User Account;

e. principles of personal data processing.

2. These Regulations are the regulations referred to in art. 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services and it applies to services provided electronically within the meaning of Art. 2 point 4 of this Act by the Operator of the website where the User sets up a User Account.

3. By registering a User Account on the website, the User confirms that he accepts the terms of these Regulations and undertakes to comply with them. Failure to accept these Regulations makes it impossible to set up a User Account for the User and start providing the User Account service by the Operator.

4. These Regulations are made available to the User free of charge, in a form that allows the User to read and reproduce them at any place and time. The User has the opportunity to read the Regulations before concluding a contract for the provision of Services.

5. The User should read the content of these Regulations before using the Services specified in these Regulations.


II. Definitions

1. Operator - service provider; Holding Liwa Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw (01-401) at Górczewska 53, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000324377.

2. User - service recipient; a natural person who is a party to the contract for the provision of User Account services on the website to which the Operator;

3. Website - websites operated and administered by the Operator, through which the Operator provides User Account services to the User and enables access to other services provided by the Operator;

4. Regulations - these Regulations for the provision of electronic services, which is also the content of the contract for the provision of electronic services within the meaning of the generally applicable law;

5. User Account - a service provided by the Website Operator to the User, described in point III sec. 3 point 1 of these Regulations;

6. Service - described in point III sec. 4 point 4 of these Regulations, the provision of the Operator for and on behalf of the User, access to which is possible using the User Account;

7. Act - Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344);

8. GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation data).


III. Types and scope of electronic services

1. On the basis of these Regulations, the Operator provides the User with a service comprising the User Account to the extent and under the conditions specified in these Regulations.

2. The Operator undertakes to provide the User, via the website, with services that make up the User Account service, i.e. User service within the User Account, consisting in the possibility of creating your own profile, access to the booking portal including hotel facilities belonging to the Operator and viewing the history of reservations made.

3. Access to the User Account referred to in par. 1 above, is possible for the User who has accepted these Regulations and correctly registered and activated the User Account on the Operator's website.

4. Services provided electronically by the Operator as part of its activities are:

a. running a website under which the User has the option of registering an account and creating his own profile and obtaining information about the facilities belonging to the Operator,

b. operating an electronic online booking system, which can be used to conclude a distance contract for hotel services, which are then provided at the location of the selected Hotel.

5. The User has the right to use the User Account on the Operator's website to the extent consistent with their content and the provisions of these Regulations.

6. The User is obliged to use the User Account in a manner consistent with these Regulations, applicable law and general principles of using the Internet.


IV. Technical requirements

1. Proper use of the User Account service provided by the Operator is possible provided that the hardware, software and ICT system of the User meet the following minimum technical requirements: a. have one of the following operating systems: macOS, Windows, Android, iOS; b. use one of the following web browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari - in current versions, with cookies allowed. c. have active and properly functioning Internet access.

2. The Operator is not responsible for incorrect operation of the User Account if the User's computer hardware, software or Internet access do not meet the above technical requirements.

3. The User should ensure proper protection of the computer equipment used to use the User Account.

4. The Operator is not responsible for the excessively overloaded Internet connection of the User, as well as other inter-operator connections. He is also not responsible for disruptions in the functioning of the User Account caused by unauthorized interference by Users and third parties.

5. The User may not use the User Account in any way that could damage, block, overload or weaken the Operator's server.

6. The User may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any of the Operator's servers or to any User Accounts or Services, by hacking, guessing passwords or by any other means.

7. The Operator does not guarantee that the User Account service will be error-free or that defects concerning the User Account will be corrected.

8. The Operator will make every effort to help the User in difficulties related to the use of the User Account, which cannot be considered as the Operator's obligation to provide technical support. In the event of difficulties related to the use of the User Account, the User may contact the Operator by sending a message to the following e-mail address:

9. If contact is made via e-mail, the Operator will try to reply in the same form within 14 days at the latest.

10. If the User detects an irregularity in the functioning of the User Account, he is obliged to report it to the following e-mail address: The Operator is entitled to consider that the reported event does not constitute an irregularity in the functioning of the User Account.

11. In the event of a failure of the website or User Account or the need to make changes, improvements or maintenance work, the Operator reserves the right to temporarily interrupt the operation of the website or User Account.

12. The Operator will make every effort to ensure that the planned technical breaks related to the interruption in the functioning of the website or the User Account take place at night, between 2:00 and 6:00.

13. The operator uses cookies on its websites. Cookies are stored in the end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are deleted. The Operator informs that the User has the option of limiting the use of cookies on his device by changing the browser settings, however, this restriction may affect some of the website's functionalities. More information about cookies is available in Privacy and cookies policy.


V. Credentials and Responsibility

1. The User independently sets the login and password, which will be used as authentication data, enabling access to the User Account.

2. In order to ensure the highest level of security and confidentiality of data and information collected on the website and on the User Account, it is recommended that the access password meets at least the following requirements: a. the password should not be the same as the identifier (login); b. the password should be changed, if possible, at least every 30 days and immediately in the event of a risk that an unauthorized or unauthorized person has gained access to it.

3. The user is responsible for keeping the identifier (login) and password confidential. The user is responsible for all actions performed using his identifier (login).

4. The User undertakes to immediately notify the Operator of each unauthorized use of his individual identifier (login) and of any other breach of security.

5. The Operator is not liable for any damage that may arise as a result of the use of the User's password or identifier (login) by an unauthorized person, with or without his knowledge. However, the User may be held liable for damages incurred by the Operator or other entities as a result of the use of the User's password or identifier (login) by third parties.

6. The User is responsible for the correctness of the data and information entered into the User Account. By entering data and information into the User Account, the User guarantees their correctness, integrity and veracity.


VI. Time of providing the User Account service

1. The User Account service, covered by these Regulations, is provided from the moment of registering the User Account by the User, until the termination or expiration of the contract for the provision of electronic services concluded on the basis of acceptance of these Regulations, and thus until the User Account is deleted or unregistered from the Operator's website.

2. The User may resign from using the User Account at any time, in particular when he does not accept the changes introduced in the content of the Regulations.

3. Resignation from the User Account service takes place through a request sent to the address

4. The Operator does not provide any guarantee of uninterrupted availability of the User Account and does not bear any liability for losses or damages resulting from possible unavailability. The operator bears no responsibility for losses and damages resulting from changes introduced in the content of the website.


VII. Personal data protection

1. In connection with the provision of the User Account Service, Holding Liwa Sp. z o. o. processes the User's personal data as a personal data administrator.

2. All information regarding the processing of personal data is included in the Privacy and Cookie Policy available at:


VIII. Complaints procedure

1. In the event of difficulties related to the use of the Website, including the Services, the User may contact the Operator at the following e-mail address:

2. The notification should contain at least: the name and surname of the advertiser, as well as a description and date of the irregularity.

3. The operator undertakes to consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of its submission. If the Operator has not responded to the complaint within the time limit referred to in the preceding sentence, it is considered that the complaint has been accepted.

4. The operator will respond to the complaint to the e-mail address through which the complainant sent the complaint, unless the complainant requests another available form.


IX. Out-of-court ways of resolving disputes with consumers

1. The Operator informs that the User who is a consumer has the option of using out-of-court means of settling disputes arising in connection with contracts concluded via the Website. The above does not mean the Operator's obligation to use out-of-court dispute resolution methods. The Operator's declaration of consent or refusal to participate in the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is made in writing or on another durable medium in a situation where, as a result of a complaint submitted by the consumer, the dispute has not been resolved.

2. Detailed information on the possibility for the User who is a consumer to use out-of-court complaint and redress methods and the rules of access to these procedures are available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at:


4. At, a platform for an online system for settling disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs at the EU level (ODR platform) is available. The ODR platform is an interactive and multilingual website with a comprehensive service point for consumers and entrepreneurs seeking out-of-court settlement of a dispute regarding contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or a contract for the provision of services (more information can be obtained by the User on the website of the platform itself).


X. Intellectual property protection

1. Both the website itself and individual elements of the website, trademarks and other markings and content contained therein are subject to protection under generally applicable law, including the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022 item 2509) and the Industrial Property Law (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 324, as amended).

2. The User may use the Website and User Account and the content contained therein only for purposes consistent with these Regulations, applicable law, general principles of using the Internet and the purposes of creating the Website, in particular in a manner that does not violate the rights of third parties and the rights and interests of the Operator.

3. The User may not sell or provide access to the User Account to third parties. The User has no right to publicly distribute or commercially offer access to the User Account and the content of the website.

4. In the case of, among others: (1) a third party, including an organization for collective management of copyright or related rights, with a claim against the Operator for infringement of third party rights or applicable law, or (2) initiation of proceedings (including criminal or administrative) in connection with the way the User uses the services provided via the User Account; to the extent for which the User is responsible in accordance with these Regulations, the User shall release the Operator from the obligation to satisfy such a claim, and will also cover any damages that the Operator will incur in connection with such a claim, lawsuit or proceedings, including legally binding costs of proceedings and legal services and the equivalent of compensation, penalties or fines imposed, or the costs of implementing final administrative decisions by the Operator. If the Operator becomes aware of such claims or proceedings, the Operator shall immediately notify the User about them and enable him - in accordance with the law - to join the proceedings in order to defend his rights. The User undertakes to proceed to such proceedings each time upon notification to the Operator.


XI. Final Provisions

1. In all matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply accordingly.

2. The Operator has the right to change the content and provisions of these Regulations at any time. Information about the change in the Regulations will be provided 14 days before the entry into force of the new version of the Regulations.

3. The User has the option to terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services concluded on the basis of acceptance of these Regulations within 14 days of presenting the changes, if he does not accept the new version of the Regulations.

4. The Regulations are valid from 01.01.2018