Copernicus Restaurant
Our renaissance inspired restaurant is based on polish royal cuisine. Copernicus stands for traditional recipes interpreted in an innovative manner by our talented Chef – Krzysztof Waś. In our menu you will find mushrooms, quails, crayfish, asparagus and other precious products. Copernicus restaurant has gathered a lot of prizes and awards – among others, the Michelin guide recommendation. In the glass-covered courtyard, guests can relax in the intimate library or in the bar. In the spring and summer season, we invite guests to enjoy drinks on the summer terrace which looks out on the majestic Wawel castle, domes and towers of churches as well as rooftops of the old town. Among the guests of the Copernicus were world leaders, artists and actors. We are honored to name George W. Bush – the president of the United States and Charles III, the King of the United Kingdom as our guests.